Haha, I know WingCommander! It is so different to be on the other side of the table.... I haven't had much practice it's kind of like 'going out in service' for the first time. My husband didn't like me telling them he was DFd either.
Next time, I will ask questions like:
1. If you were in a congregation with a pedophile, was asked by the victim to testify, would you? even if you knew you would get DFd for doing it?
Then let them answer, and say "I know someone who did" (I do not have to let them know it was my husband)
2. You are going to call the police first? Really, did you get something written? Because I just saw a video that said..... and just read a document that said......
However, that being said, I seemed to know these guys, after all we went to conventions in SF, and have lived here for 60 years, so we have come to know/recognize many witnesses. These first two guys were not as 'programmed' as the next, and I was peering into their eyes, like we had a connection (lol)
Anyway... I haven't told my WORST story yet... not sure I will tell it on this forum, haha.... Every time I think of it, I laugh hysterically.... and say "OMG, how could I?" I think I will tell anyone who comes to the aposta-feast this year who wants to know. Only in person, so I can 'peer into your eyes', haha!